Badminton Team One Year
成长篇 – 写在羽球队一周年之际

光阴似箭,一转眼 Myrtle Beach 羽毛球健身运动队— 一个以娱乐、健身为宗旨的运动团队已经成立一年了。这支老中青三结合、华人球员为龙头的球队,亦吸引着当地羽毛球爱好者,许多球员从过去不认识、不熟悉到今天的一周一聚、挥汗如雨,球技不断提高。当队友们欢聚在 Blueberry’s Grill 时,大家不禁回顾起这一年来羽毛球队所走过的路程。

俗话说:一分耕耘,一分收获;羽毛球队之所以能如此成功地跨越过这关键的第一年是与羽毛球队的创始人和队员们的奉献、努力,以及球馆各方面人员的帮助离不开的。由于 Pepper Geddings Recreation Center 常年各球类赛事不断,学生夏令营活动等等,场地紧张,尤其是星期六。羽毛球队的创始人李健慧、Angel 和刘会玲,自球队成立以来,每周坚持与体育馆联系,尽最大努力保证周六场地使用,健慧在外州度假期间依然工作如常,Angel 把星期六的队员登记、人数统计及信息沟通反馈工作做得一丝不苟;刘会玲在工作百忙之中,抽出时间安排每周一的活动,在她坚持不懈的努力下,周一参与队员由开始的寥寥数人到今天的初具规模;羽毛球队主力队员Gary、Patricia夫妇一家,球艺精灒,他们充满活力的儿子Sonny,不仅扣杀凌厉,而且每一次鱼跃救球的执着也渲染着现场气氛;他们乐于奉献,担负起临时联络员的职责,与其他球员一起闭场收拾场地。球馆义务志愿者 Dick 默默无闻、幕后奉献,主动为我们挑起了开场架网的工作,他精益求精,反复测量,力图达到专业标准,为大家提早准备完毕场地。另外值得一提的是我们球队今年冬天有幸与来自加拿大的羽毛球爱好者们共同交流球艺,友好合作,虽然时间短暂,但友谊深厚,来年再次相约在球场。

如果你的心情会随着羽毛球的飞扬而悦动;如果你的向往是让运动的速度与身心的激情相撞,那么Myrtle Beach 羽毛球健身队就是放飞自我、专注、休闲的平台。让我们在酣畅淋漓的友谊竞技中,享受健康!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye one year has passed since the formation of the Myrtle Beach Badminton group. The group plays twice a week and promotes physical fitness as well as positive social interaction through the sport of Badminton. This group consists of members of all ages, bringing together young and old. While most of the players are Chinese, the group also attracts many local Americans who are Badminton enthusiasts.

In addition, this winter, the group was joined by Snowbirds from Canada who are also passionate about the sport. We look forward to playing with them again next winter. A lot of the players did not know each other prior to joining the group; now, they meet every week to share their friendship and love of the sport.

The group recently gathered at the Blueberry’s Grill to celebrate their one year anniversary. The members are very thankful and met to celebrate the success of the group’s first year. Special thanks should be given to the founders Jianhui Li, Angel, and Huiling Liu who organize the group and work with the Pepper Geddings Recreation Center to ensure that courts were available. Appreciation goes to Patricia and Gary for their efforts when the organizers were out of town.

Congratulations to all team members who participated every week and helped clean up the courts. Finally, special thanks should be given to Dick who volunteers to setup the courts every time.
Keep moving and stay healthy!

— Written by Mei