Dance with Confidence

Dance with Confidence 舞出自信人生
SC Myrtle Dance Club 南卡美特尔舞蹈团

by Shiyu










2018美特尔华人社区春节活动舞蹈队演出前合影(第一排:Mei,第二排从左至右:Zhen, 张娟, Mei Mei, 诗煜, Leslie, 李红, 妍,宋波,Joanna)


The Myrtle Beach Dance Club made its public debut in the 2018 Chinese Spring Festival Celebration that took place Saturday, February 24th. A total of 324 people came in support of the Chinese Community, among which many are Americans invited by their Chinese friends.

The Dance Club have come a long way since the initiation of this program. Many dancers had no experience coming on to the team. However, with the help of the dance instructor and performance choreographer, Ms. Zhang Juan, the girls successfully delivered an amazing performance at the beginning of the Festival Celebration.

In 2017, Ms. Zhang Juan volunteered to become the instructor. She was not only a great teacher, but also a dear friend to everyone on the team. She encouraged the group to dance more confidently and to have fun while learning.

One of the dancers, Joanna, commented that learning how to dance with Ms. Zhang Juan was like a dream-come-true. Many dancers also agreed that being able to perform in front of an audience was a way of self-realization and helped them discover their hidden dancing talents.

To prepare for this show, all of them have put in so much effort. As a proud member of the dance club, I want to express my gratitude for all the audience that came to see us and applauded for our performance. In addition, speaking on behalf of every member of the club, we cannot express enough appreciation for Ms. Zhang Juan. Thank you, Ms. Zhang Juan for making this incredible performing experience possible for us and for bringing more fun to our lives.