Badminton 羽毛球

提起羽毛球, 几乎每个人心中都留有青春的温馨回忆,它伴随着我们这一代人的成长。

弹指一挥间,几十年一闪而过,或许学习以前从未接触过的运动更具有挑战性和刺激性,或许轻轻的羽毛球在北美被人们遗忘在静静的角落里,后来居然再也没有动过羽毛球拍。来到 Myrtle Beach 这么多年,亲眼目睹这个海滨城市的飞速发展,华人从过去的寥寥无几到今天初具规模的队伍,在国内广受欢迎老少皆宜的羽毛球运动又被唤醒,而且我们日常健身的Pepper Geddings Recreation Center 具备室内场地,万事俱备,只欠东风。我们开始着手准备前期工作,落实球场成为燃眉之急,当与场馆有关人员沟通后,得到了他们的大力支持,这样既能提高室内多功能球场使用率,又为场馆开辟了新球类运动项目。至此默特尔沙滩华人羽毛球健身运动团队问世!




Pepper Geddings Recreation Center 收取成人非会员每次$5美元的场馆费,若打算加入团队继续羽毛球健身运动,球员需自备球拍和羽毛球。

场馆地址: 3205 N Oak Street, Myrtle Beach
场馆电话: 843-918-2280
羽毛球团队联系人 (周六):Jianhui Li,Angel
(周一):Huiling Liu

Badminton, one of the most popular sports in China, finally found a home in Myrtle Beach, SC. Pepper Geddings Recreation Center (PGRC) has made this activity possible by providing the courts and nets. In fact, the PGRC inserted the court time into their weekly schedule.

Players need to sign up on the weekly basis and provide their own rackets and shuttlecocks. All players are required to check in at the front desk and receive a wrist band. Adults who are not members of PRGC must pay $5 in order to have access to the facility.

Due to the busy basketball season, we have very limited use of the facility at Pepper Geddings Recreation Center. Therefore we cannot accept new members at this time. When the situation changes, we will notify everyone. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Pepper Geddings Recreation Center is located at 3205 N Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. The phone number is (843) 918-2280.

The contact people for Saturdays are Li and Angel. The contact person for Mondays is Huiling Liu. If you are interested in joining the group, we can be reached at