Chinese School 中文学校


1. MB中文学校的历史:早在十几年前, 我们曾经有个中文学校。学校名字和校址与现在的一样。由基督联合卫理公会教堂(Christ Unite Methodist Church)提供免费教室。当时我们有俩个班,每个班有10来个学生。

2. MB中文学校的准备工作:今年年初,随着我们MB的华人联络增强(MB华人微信),我们发现,我们有许多学龄期的孩子,家长要求办一个中文学校的呼声也越来越高。李珍与教堂联系,教堂再次大力支持了我们。他们给我们中文学校了两个教室,给查经会一个教室。我们感谢家长及教堂的支持,这是我们能够顺利开始中文学校的前提。我们在很短的时间内组织起一个中文学校领导小组,我们整装待发。

3. MB中文学校开学典礼:我们中文学校在9月9日开学了。在开学典礼上,我们价绍了中文学校的老师,管理成员。我们特别感谢星源先生大力支持中文学校,他个人捐款给中文学校$5000.00。他认为在美国,培养下一代,保持祖国文化极为重要。当天我们有40多名学生报名参加了中文学校。各家都带来了自家拿手好菜。我们欢聚一堂。

4. MB中文学校开学了:我们每周日下午3点开始上课,每次是两节课。共有两个班。开学后,我们又有许多学生报名参加中文学校。目前我们共有55名学生。我们的两位老师教书认真负责,方法新颖活潑。学生们非常喜爱他们的老师,按照老师的要求去完成他们的功课。我们所有的学生都如期地完成了他们第一学期的学习任务。


1. The history of the MB Chinese school:

As long as 10 years ago, we once had a Chinese school in the same location and with the same name as we do now. While it unfortunately had to close 4 years ago, it has since been revived to what it is today. The free classrooms are graciously provided by Christ United Methodist Church. We now have two classes and about 10 students in each class.

2. MB Chinese School preparation:

Early this year, we in the MB Chinese Wechat Group found that we have many school-age children. The call from parents asking for a local Chinese school grew louder and louder over the months. So, Jen got in contact with the church, and the church again agreed to strongly support us. They gave us two classrooms for the Chinese school and a classroom for Bible study. We are grateful for the support of our parents and the church, which is a prerequisite for us to start our Chinese schools so smoothly. We are also preparing to organize a Chinese school leadership team in short time.

3. MB Chinese School Opening ceremony:

Our Chinese school was reborn September 9 this year. At the beginning of the ceremony, we introduced the Chinese school teachers and management members. We are particularly grateful to Mr. Xing Yuan, who shows strong support for Chinese schools and personally donated $5000.00 to our organization. He believes that in the United States, it is extremely important to nurture the next generation and maintain knowledge and appreciate of the culture of their motherland. We had more than 40 students enrolled in Chinese school that day, culminating in a delicious celebration in which all the families brought their own delectable dishes.

4. MB Chinese School begins:

School begins every Sunday at 3:00 PM in the afternoon, with two sessions for each of the two classes. After the start of school, enrollment continued to rise to our current total of 55 students! Our two teachers are conscientious and responsible, while still bringing forth novel teaching methods presented in a joyous manner. The students have exhibited a lot of love for their teachers, and do their homework according to the teachers’ requests. Finally, we are proud to announce that all of our students completed their first semester of study as scheduled.