Financial Freedom 财务自由

What is financial freedom? 什么是财务自由?To what extent one can be called financially free?

Financial freedom, is a term misused by lots of writers / talkers, and misunderstood by lots of people. Some people believe it is financial independence, while more people equal it to being rich. Both perceptions are wrong.

Financial freedom is a state that a person can live freely without having to work, without work income, depends only on his wealth, or passive income, or both.

According to IRS definition, passive income is rent, dividend, interest, patent fee, or royalty fee. The reason it is called passive is that one doesn’t have to work actively and incomes arrive passively.

There are two forms of working: one is working for other people, i.e., employed; the other is working for oneself, i.e., self-employed.

Lots of people are financially independent but don’t have financial freedom yet, because they have to work and their only income is work income, or active income.

Financial freedom neither means being rich. Getting financial freedom does not mean getting rich. One does not have to be rich to be called financially free. Of course, rich people are financially free.

As long as a person’s passive income or wealth can support his expense for the rest of his life, he is financially free.

Financial Freedom = (passive income >= expense)

From the equation above we can see, two approaches existed to achieve financial freedom: one is from income side, increasing passive income; the other is from expense side, decreasing expense.

Requirement on both income and expense sides are pretty flexible. One can live under means, move to low expense area such as Myrtle Beach, thus lower the income requirement. On the other hand, one can increase income and have a higher living standard.

Hence, there is no absolute number for how much money a person must have to be financially free. Some can live on $50K a year, while typical middle class’s annual income is $100K.

Assuming $100,00 per year, and 5% return on investment, then the net capital will have to be $2mm (2 million US dollars). $2mm investment * 5% ROI = $100K income. For middle class living standard, financial freedom requires $2mm asset.

It is not cash, it is asset. Cash will devalue while asset may appreciate or generate income. Asset is the money invested, on rental property, stock, bond, foreign currency, virtual currency such as Bitcoin, collectible such as art, gold / silver, early stage investment, etc.

Generally speaking, in America, net asset two million dollars is the number for financial freedom, while five million dollars is the line for being rich.

Financial freedom is a step between middle class and riches, a milestone on the road to becoming rich.

To be financially free, you either make a lot of money by whatever means, or generate enough passive income to cover all expense, through investment.








财务自由 = (被动收入 >= 开销)





在美国,社会平均回报率是5%,出租房的回报率是5-6% 无杠杆,美股一百多年来的平均回报率为6%。

被动收入10万,回报率5%,资产投入必须是200万,因为 200万 * 5% ROI = 10万回报。






P.S. 有的人用财富自由这个词,也错了。财务自由这个词是从英文翻译过来的。财富的对应单词是fortune,不是finance。