Singing Across Borders

— 庄璇和她的MB合唱团 Mrs. Zhuang Xuan and her Myrtle Beach Choir

2018年2月24日,Myrtle Beach 华人协会举办了“首次华人春节联欢会”。联欢会节目纷呈:民族舞蹈绚丽多彩,小提琴独奏悠扬婉转,旗袍秀端庄典雅,小合唱声情并茂,孩子们的节目童趣无比;古琴、古筝、巴乌、二胡曲更是把观众带到了古老的中国,仿佛听到了高山流水的声音,看到了旖旎无比的风光,体验了多姿的民族风情。尤其是庄璇的女高音独唱《我爱你中国》,将联欢会推向了高潮。

“我爱你中国,我爱你碧波滚滚的南海,我爱你白雪飘飘的北国,我爱你森林无边,我爱你群山巍峨,我爱你淙淙的小河,荡着清波从我的梦中流过。啊… 啊… 我要把美好的青春献给你,我的母亲 ,我的祖国!” 当激越高亢的歌声戛然而止,Waccamaw Mall响起了暴风雨般的掌声。这掌声既是送给演唱者庄璇,更是送给生我养我的祖国。


2016年10月,她与一批歌唱爱好者组建了Myrtle Beach合唱团。合唱团员热情高涨但未经训练,不会发声,不会运用气息。庄璇就从头开始,进行严格训练,从发声开始,学会连续吐气,一个一个检查。团员梅刻苦练习,利用长途开车的时间,一边开车,一边练习,目的地到了,气也吐匀了,现能一口气连续吐气哼唱。在平时的练习中,庄璇渗透乐理教学,深入浅出。排练新歌前,介绍背景,分析作品,便于团员理解音乐,掌握节奏,以便更好地表达作品的意境。合唱团成立来排练了中外著名合唱歌曲:《茉莉花》、《送别》、《请到天涯海角来》、《恭喜恭喜》、《雪绒花》、《桑塔露琪亚》、《Beautiful dreamer》等,参加演出三场,并受到一致好评。


华人首次春节联欢会圆满结束了,它展示了Myrtle Beach华人的才艺,表现了中国博大精深的文化,加深了中美两国人民的友谊。庄璇及MB合唱团将继续排练新作品,让歌声飞越国界,共享中外名曲!

翻译 Translation:

On February 24th, 2018 during the very first Chinese Spring Festival, Mrs. Zhuang Xuan’s singing performance of soprano “I Love You, China” brought the Festival to its climax.

As she finished singing the last note of the song, the auditorium was filled with loud applause and joy. The audience all stood up not only to show passion for such extraordinary performance, but also to pay respect to the great country of China.

Mrs. Zhuang Xuan attended professional vocal and musical training since a young age. She followed the steps of her famous piano and vocal instructors and earned her bachelor’s degree in Piano and master’s degree in Vocal Performance. Before moving to Myrtle Beach, she was a professor at a famous Art University in Nanjing, China and has played multiple lead singing roles in performances with large audiences.

In October 2016, she founded the Myrtle Beach Choir. The choir was open to everyone who shares interest in music and singing. In the beginning, many choir members didn’t know how to sing and can’t utilize their breath properly. Therefore, Mrs. Zhuang taught everyone step by step.

With the guidance from Mrs. Zhuang, choir members practiced diligently. Since then, the Myrtle Beach Choir has performed in three different occasions and has always been greatly appraised by the audience. The Choir’s performances of “Welcome to Myrtle Beach”, “Santa Lucia”, and “Gong Xi Fa Cai” were very successful. In fact, many people were so impressed by the Choir’s performance that they signed up after the Festival to become choir members.

For the 2018 MB Spring Festival, Mrs. Zhuang Xuan didn’t only sing and perform, she was also the Lead Director and Lead Choreographer of the entire show. Without her hard work, the audience wouldn’t be able to witness such an amazing performance.

The success of 2018 MB Spring Festival displayed the comprehensiveness of Chinese culture and strengthened the bond between local Americans and Chinese.