Angel’s Garden 天使的花园

每当清晨醒来,总是先去花园逛一圈。当映⼊眼帘的是娇嫩欲滴的鲜花,在晨露的沐浴下,透过朝阳展示着它们的纯净美。无法抗拒她们,给予我视觉上的享受和身心的喜悦。 当你身心感受到愉快时,身边的一切都变得那么美好。


与花的对话,几乎成了我的日常。深信美好的心情始于晨,始于心。让我们每天都分享喜乐 ,给进入天使花园的惜花者。




蟹爪兰为仙人掌科蟹爪兰属植物。因节径连接形状如螃蟹的副爪,故名蟹爪兰。常见栽培品种有大红、粉红、杏黄、 和纯白色。蟹爪兰的花期在10月底至12月底(不同地区会有时间差别)。

  1. 上盆: 小苗上盆时,先在盆底放入1~2cm厚的碎瓦片或者陶粒来作为滤水层,其上撒上一层充分腐熟的有机肥料作为基 肥,厚度约为1~2cm。再盖上一层土壤,可用比较肥沃的腐叶土、泥炭、粗沙的混合土壤,酸碱度要保持在pH5.5 ~6.5之间,然后放入植株,要把肥料与根系分开,避免烧根。上完盆后浇一次透水,并放在略荫环境养护一周。
  2. 浇水: 浇水应随季节不同而变化。冬季虽然是生长季节,但是由于气温低,浇水不宜多,只要保持盆土湿润即可,一般4~ 5天浇水1次。夏季气温高,虽然遮阴,盆土仍易干,一般1~2天浇水1次。夏季可经常向叶面喷水,既能防暑降温, 又能使植株生长良好。春、秋季每2~3天浇水1次。
  3. 施肥: 施肥主要在开花前9~10月和开花后的4~6月进行。每隔10天施1次腐熟人粪尿及饼肥水。春季施肥为促使多发枝 叶,以氮肥为主;夏季不宜施肥,否则容易引起腐烂;秋季施肥主要以磷肥为主,可以使花芽分化。施肥前停止浇水, 使盆土带干,效果较好。切忌用强烈的化肥。
  4. 温度: 蟹爪兰生长适温为15~25℃。夏季需遮阴避雨,最好置于通风良好的窗台或屋檐廊下。秋后可转移至室内阳光充足处培养。冬季维持温度在15℃较好,低于5℃时生长不良,甚至会遭受冻害。在晴朗的白天,应让其接受阳光的照 射。严寒之夜可用大塑料袋套住植株,以防冻害。
  5. 光照: 蟹爪兰是短日照植物,在每天8~10小时光照条件下,2~3月即可开花。
  6. 病虫: 平时要注意通风透光,创造相对干燥的小环境,必要时可以使用药剂防治,如使用甲基托布津800倍液或可杀得 1000倍液,每隔7~10天喷1次。如发现介壳虫时每7天左右喷施1次杀灭菊酯4000~5000倍液即可。
  1. 蟹爪兰花后有段休眠期,此时应保持盆土稍干燥,休眠过后,茎节顶端长出新芽时,才 可正常浇水管理。
  2. 蟹爪兰忌烈日暴晒,因为烈日直晒会灼伤植株,引起茎叶萎黄脱落甚至死亡。因此夏季 必须遮阴。
  3. 蟹爪兰喜半阴,春季宜放在室内向阳处或阳台上培养,注意适当通风。




爱尔兰哨笛:Down By the Salley Gardens

Translated by Mei
When I wake up in the morning I like to take a stroll in my garden, and whisper to the flowers. These delicate, tender flowers showing off their pure beauty under the morning rays bring me so much joy and happiness that everything else around me becomes beautiful.
I heard that flowers and music can heal the mind and soul. Every time I sit under the grapevine arbor smelling the light scent of jasmine, admiring the flowers in the garden, watching the ducks, swans and red crowned cranes playing in the pond, listening to the chirping of the birds and the splashing of the water fountain it brings me to a place filled with peace and joy.
A beautiful morning puts me in a good mood to start the day. Come to my garden and share the love of flowers with me.
A FLOWER A MONTH (Blue Crab Cactus)
The flower gets its name from it’s stem which is shaped like the legs of a blue crab. There are many species, The flower color can be red, pink, yellow or white and even bi-colored. Flowering time can vary but typically from late October to December.
Growing Method: Place 1-2 inches of pebbles at the bottom of the pot to insure good drainage. Add another 1-2 inches of humus rich materials. Then add soil that is rich in organic matter. Mix in some sand. Place the seedling into the pot. Water thoroughly. Place the potted pant in the shade for one week to calm the shock of the transplant.
Water: Watering time varies by growing season, In winter water once every 4-5 days, In summer water every 1-2 days. In spring and fall water once every 2-3 days. Keep plan moist, avoid letting plant getting too wet or dry.
Fertilization: Before flowering (around September to October) apply a phosphorous based fertilizer to promote budding. After flowering (around April to June) apply a nitrogen based fertilizer to keep the roots and stems healthy and strong. Be sure not to apply fertilizer in the summer as this an cause rotting, It is best to apply fertilizer when the pot soil is dry.
Temperature: The ideal temperature for growing this plant is around 60-77 degrees. After the fall the plant should me moved to an area indoors that gets plenty of sunlight and the room temperature is around 60-77. A temperature below 40 will cause damage to the plant and even freeze the plant to death. To prevent freezing cover the plant with plastic bags.
Sunlight: 8 to 10 hours of sunlight is needed.
Pests and Diseases: These plants are relatively free from pests and diseases. It is best to insure that the air is well circulated and dry.